Digital Strategy

Let’s get strategic about digital marketing. We give you a 360 view of all platforms and a step by step plan from ideas to execution.

Online Advertising

Get social and search to work for you. We create profitable social media and google ad campaigns that drive traffic and leads.

Search / SEO

We audit your content and your website's performance, make sure Google knows where you are and improve your ranking.


Let’s create an online masterpiece driving results on all devices. We can also host, optimise and manage your site.

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What we can do for your business

Learn more about the range of our services.

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About Us

TMR.AGENCY operates at the crossroads of creativity and technology

We draw on both in abundance, to perfect the art of marketing. It’s our job to ensure that your messages are not only seen and heard by the right people at the right time, but lead to action. As our clients attest, we do this job well.

We have worked with Timmer Marketing for more than two years. The team is very professional and creative when it comes to ad design. And we liked that they're quick to respond to queries and requests. We will surely re-engage if we have future Digital Marketing needs. Can highly recommend!
Tanima Virmani
Marketing Manager - Engineers Australia
At mel facilisi tractatos expetenda, est paulo consulatu signiferumque ut , ut amet duis iracundia mel ad dicunt volumus veritus.
Simon Wilkins
In clita debitis mentitum ius, pri praesent corrumpit expetendis ut. Dolore deleniti pro ut, in eros lucilius duo adversarium im.
Colin Pullman

Stay in the loop at all times.

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    We build successful, lasting, profitable products

    Reimagining brand identities and business model approaches.

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    Vivendo instructior ea pri, reque tollit consulatu in pri. Nobis laoreet ne mei. In vim tritani ornatus laboramus.

    oh hello you
    creative agency.
    Delivering high-quality projects for international clients. Ask us about digital, branding and storytelling.